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Clear Flash Tool

Postitatud: 14. Jaanuar 2018, 16:02
Postitas Marmes
Juhul kui sul on oma sedamega üks järgmistest probleemidest, siis võib probleem olla selles, et seadme mällu on kogunenud liialt palju faile ja abi võib olla programmist Clear Flash Tool.

- You have start-up or freezing issues issues
- Your device runs slow or sluggish
- You are unable to activate the map on your TomTom device even though you have a valid product code.
- You have to enter the passkey every time you connect your TomTom device with your mobile phone.
- Your settings are not saved when you turn your TomTom device on and off.

TOMTOM Clear Flash Tool
Clear Flash Tool abi